Collection: Plantae Lean Fast Fat Burning Protein Powder 500G:

"Best Vegan Protein Powder For Weight Loss"

As the only plant based protein powder for weight loss, we're lightyears ahead of the competition. Its formulated based on our award winning plant based protein powder recipe.LeanFast is our ultimate solution to burning fat and getting in shape. Completely lactose-free, the protein mix contains Acetyl-L Carnitine and 23 complete vitamins & minerals, which gives you 16 g of protein. It helps reduce appetite and helps the body turn fat into energy while exercising!

5 plant proteins, Tropical blend flavour from Protein Leanfast Collection, suitable for health-conscious people who love exercise and want to stay in shape.


  • High / Premium Acetyl-L Carnitine helps to transport fat for the best metabolism when consumed 30 minutes – 1 hour before exercise.
  • 5 types of plant protein sources help support muscle synthesis and recovery.
  • Complete Vitamins & Minerals contains 23 Vitamins & Minerals essential for when dieting.
  • Supports lean body goals by, controlling hunger when fill your stomach with protein, and burn fat with Acetyl L-Carnitine.
  • Plant protein, no cow’s milk ingredients. Suitable for Vegetarians and those allergic to cow’s milk.

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